A brief history
Our story began in the spring of 1953 when a survey was taken in Quincy for the purpose of starting a Southern Baptist work. The Rev. R.G. Bryant, area missionary, met with interested persons and held a tent meeting in Baldwin Park. Calvary Baptist Church of Pittsfield, IL became the mission sponsor.
Since 1953 we have had six pastors and our current pastor has been with us since 1997. Our church has sponsored a few different church starts over the years. We desire to honor and glorify Jesus in everything we do and if you join us on any given Sunday you will find a genuine group of people that love Jesus and each other. Our congregation values the rich heritage of the faith as expressed in many of the great hymns of the faith and also values the contemporary expressions of devotion and adoration as found in many choruses. When you visit us you will find a wide range of age groups from all walks of life. You may come as you are and dress how you would like. We have a vibrant children's ministry and offer a wide range of adult bible studies. As a congregation we choose to cooperate with Southern Baptist Churches around the world and are a member church of the SBC as well as the local Baptist Association known as Bay Creek Association which is part of the Illinois Baptist Association. |
Our Pastor Rev. Tom Rains
Our Vision
Each member will live a holy, obedient life, displaying Christlike love and compassion to the lost and to the saved. Working together, we will enable all people to know and experience God.